Bart Schultz is Senior Lecturer in Humanities (Philosophy) and Director of the Humanities Division's Civic Knowledge Project. He has been teaching in the College at the University of Chicago since 1987, designing a wide range of core courses as well as courses on Philosophy and Public Education, The Philosophy of Poverty, John Dewey, The Chicago School of Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, and Happiness. He has also published widely in philosophy, and his books include Essays on Henry Sidgwick (Cambridge, 1992); Henry Sidgwick: Eye of the Universe (Cambridge [2004], winner of the American Philosophical Society's Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History); Utilitarianism and Empire (Lexington, 2005); and The Happiness Philosophers: Lives of the Eminent Utilitarians (Princeton, 2015). He is on the Editorial Board of Utilitas, the leading professional journal of utilitarian studies. Bart has also, through the Civic Knowledge Project (CKP), developed a number of public ethics programs affording rich opportunities for UChicago students, staff, and faculty to get involved in educationally relevant ways with the larger South Side community. The CKP is particularly involved in designing and running philosophy programs for disadvantaged adults and for underserved public elementary and middle school students in the neighborhoods near the University of Chicago, and its Winning Words precollegiate philosophy program won the 2012 American Philosophical Association's PDC Prize for Excellence and Innovation in Philosophy Programs. Bart serves on the Board of Directors of PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization), which is the main professional group in the United States devoted to precollegiate philosophy.
Selected Publications
The Happiness Philosophers: The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017)
Henry Sidgwick, Eye of the Universe: An Intellectual Biography (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Winner of the American Philosophical Society’s Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History for 2004.
General Editor, The Complete Works and Select Correspondence of Henry Sidgwick (Charlottesville, VA: Past Masters Series, InteLex Corporation, 1997, 2nd ed. 1999)
Editor/Contributor, with P. Bucolo and R. Crisp, Proceedings of the World Congress--University of Catania on H. Sidgwick II: Ethics, Psychics, and Politics (Catania: Universita degli Studi di Catania, 2011)
Editor/Contributor, with P. Bucolo and R. Crisp, Proceedings of the World Congress--University of Catania on H. Sidgwick: Happiness and Religion (Catania: Universita degli Studi di Catania, 2007)
Editor/Contributor, with G. Varouxakis, Utilitarianism and Empire (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2005)
Editor/Contributor, Essays on Henry Sidgwick (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992, paperback edition, 2002)
“Not Eye to Eye: A Response to Assorted Critics,” in Etica & Politica (Trieste: University of Trieste, forthcoming)
“Why Is the Curriculum So White?” Paper delivered at the 2017 Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization Conference on “Social Justice and Pre-College Philosophy: Where Do We Go from Here?” University of Chicago, June 23-24, 2017
“Pre-College Philosophy, Social Justice, and Learning Disabilities: How Pre-College Philosophy Can Help Overcome Educational Injustice Relating to Autism,” with Christopher Flint and Rajiv Huranghee. Paper delivered at the 2017 Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization Conference on “Social Justice and Pre-College Philosophy: Where Do We Go from Here?” University of Chicago, June 23-24, 2017
For full list of Bart Schultz's courses back to the 2012-13 academic year, see our searchable course database.