On-Campus Resources
In addition to Department of Philosophy-specific resources, the University of Chicago has many additional resources on campus for undergraduate students in philosophy. Below is a partial list. We have listed a few neighborhood and Chicago-area resources here as well.
Undergraduate Philosophical Organizations of Interest
Library Resources
- Regenstein Library Home Page
- Research Guide for Philosophy
- Directory of Open Access Philosophy Journals
- Electronic Journals Database for Classics
- Richard McKeon's Papers
- Manley Thompson's Papers
- Regenstein Pastmasters Entry Page
Committees and Departments Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
- The Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
- The Committee on Social Thought
- Department of Cinema & Media Studies
- Department of Classics
- Department of Germanic Studies
- Department of Linguistics
Interdisciplinary Centers Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
- Center for Gender Studies
- Center for Interdisciplinary Research on German Literature and Culture
- Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values
- Joyce Z. and Jacob Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies
- The Franke Institute for the Humanities
- Leo Strauss Center
- Lumen Christi Institute
- Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of Science and Medicine
- Nicholson Center for British Studies
Programs and Groups Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
- Computational Theory Group
- Human Rights Program
- Program in the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science
- Civic Knowledge Project
University of Chicago Journals Affiliated with the Department of Philosophy
- Classical Philology
- Critical Inquiry
- Ethics
- Isis
- Philosophy of Science
- University of Chicago Journals