Self-Consciousness and Objectivity: A Workshop with Sebastian Rödl
This event is an author-meets-critics conference on Sebastian Rödl's recent book "Self-Consciousness and Objectivity." It will occur on October 5-7, 2018, at the Franke Institute on the University of Chicago campus.
Plato’s Philosophy: Eros, Polis, Cosmos
Plato's Philosophy: Eros, Polis, Cosmos, sponsored jointly by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University (Chicago Consortium for Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy), Friday-Saturday, October 19-20, 2018.
2018 Philosophy Graduate Research Conference
2018 Philosophy Graduate Research Conference; two-day event on Friday, December 7, and Saturday, December 8.
Irad Kimhi's Thinking and Being
A conference on Irad Kimhi's work Thinking and Being at the University of Chicago, March 2-3.