The minor program in philosophy provides a basic introduction to some central figures and themes both in the history of philosophy and in contemporary topics. By engaging with these philosophical theories, students can come to grapple with questions central to the human experience. We ask, on the one hand, about the point of human life: Why do we do anything that we do? And we ask, on the other hand, about the structure of the external world: What are the things that really exist, and what is the nature of each of those things? Students minoring in philosophy learn to ask these questions, and they acquire the tools to begin articulating their own answers. Those tools include the ability to clearly and concisely state an account of something; the ability to construct an argument in defense of that account; the ability to fortify one's account by anticipating and defusing objections; and the ability to both refute, and explain the apparent plausibility of, competing accounts. In addition, taking philosophy courses also helps students think philosophically and ask probing questions about their primary field, thus enriching their other intellectual endeavors.