Basic Funding Package

All students admitted to our PhD program receive the same generous fellowships, which provide full tuition payment, University health insurance, and competitive support beyond tuition (either in a stipend or in a combination of stipend and teaching salary) for each of their first five years in the program. These packages are designed to make it possible for students to work on philosophy full-time as students. For the 2018-19 academic year, all entering students will receive during these years the same annual stipend. Students will also receive four summer stipends, contingent on satisfactory academic progress. The precise terms of your admission and aid package will be communicated to you upon admission to the Department.
Travel and Research Funding
The Division of Humanities provides funding to support students traveling to a professional conference to deliver an academic paper. There are also divisional funds available for research travel. In 2018-19, the Department of Philosophy will also make available some internal conference and research travel funds to students. The Nicholson Center on campus also provides funds for students doing research in England.
The Graduate Council at the University of Chicago also offers funds to support both graduate student travel to academic conferences and also graduate-student-developed conferences and social events here on campus and in Chicago.